Features | Detailed Description
The HTML Parser is a component from the Clever Internet Suite library.
It allows you to parse HTML document and extract URL, FORM and other HTML tag collections with their attributes according to w3c HTML specification.
Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.
- Parse all HTML tags including A, IMG, TABLE, FORM and many more
- Extract Links, Images, Frames, Tables with Rows and Cells, Forms with Controls
- Extract HTML Text Content
- Tag position in HTML source
- Parse Incorrect or badly formatted HTML
- Free one year upgrades and support
// [Delphi]
title := clHtmlParser1.Tags.TagByName('title');
editor := clHtmlParser1.Forms[0].Controls.TagByAttributeName('input', 'id', 'birthdate'); |
// [C#]
StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(openFileDialog.FileName);
HtmlTag title = htmlParser1.Tags.TagByName("title");
HtmlTag editor = htmlParser1.Forms[0].Controls.TagByAttributeName("input", "id", "birthdate"); |
// [Delphi]
link := clHtmlParser1.Links[linkNo];
ShowMessage('Href: ' + link.Href + #13#10 +
'Target: ' + link.Target + #13#10 +
'Text: ' + link.LinkText + #13#10); |
// [C#]
HtmlLink link = htmlParser1.Links[linkNo];
MessageBox.Show("Href: " + link.Href + "\r\n" +
"Target: " + link.Target + "\r\n" +
"Text: " + link.LinkText + "\r\n"); |
Please see the Demos code (HtmlParser) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation to learn more about using this component in your application.
Includes support for Delphi, C++Builder, C#, VB.NET and Javascript.
When Purchasing the Clever Internet Suite you receive the full sources for all suite components and also free unlimited support.