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WebDAV Client Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The WebDAV Client component allows you to upload and download resources, as well as manage resources and folders on remote web servers.

Using WebDAV you can create, delete, copy, move, rename, lock, unlock, download and upload resources on WebDAV server. Resource locking is also supported.

The WebDAV component implements all commands from RFC 2518 standard and includes PROPGET, PROPPATCH, GET, POST, PUT, MKCOL, DELETE, LOCK and UNLOCK commands. For more information about WebDAV protocol go to

Please see the Demos code (WebDAV) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

The most common members of the WebDAV component can be seen below:

Property List

  Name   Description
 ActiveLocks Represents an information about locked resources on the server.
 AvailableProperties Represents all property names available for the given resource or directory.
 Capabilities Returns a list of all allowed and supported WebDAV protocol methods.
 Cookies Represents the cookie list for sending to the WebDAV server together with the request data.
 Depth The depth associated with the current operation.
 LockOwner Gets or sets the principle that owns the current resource lock.
 LockScope Gets or sets the scope of the current resource lock.
 LockTimeOut Gets or sets the time to live for the current resource lock.
 LockTokens Gets the lock strings to be used when submitting operations on a locked resource.
 NameSpaces Gets or sets a list of namespaces and XML prefixes associated with the WebDAV requests.
 ProxySettings Provides an optional settings to be used for proxied connections to the HTTP server.
 ResourceNameSpaces Gets a list of namespaces and XML prefixes associated with the WebDAV response.
 ResourceProperties Gets property values for the given resource or directory.
 Response Represents the text data received from the WebDAV server.
 TLSFlags Specifies the supported SSL / TLS protocol versions.

Method List

  Name   Description
 Copy Copies the specified resource or entire directory it to a new location.
 Delete Deletes a WebDAV resource or directory.
 Get Retrieves an HTTP resource and stores it to the specified string list.
 GetActiveLocks Obtains an information about locked resources on the server.
 GetAllProperties Obtains all property values for the given resource or directory.
 GetAvailableProperties Obtains all property names available for the given resource or directory.
 GetCapabilities Sends the OPTIONS request to the WebDAV server and obtains a list of all allowed and supported HTTP protocol methods.
 GetProperties Obtains values for specified number of properties.
 Head Requests header values for a resource and stores it to the ResponseHeader property.
 ListDir Lists directories on the web server.
 Lock Locks the specified resource.
 MakeDir Creates a new directory.
 Move Moves the specified resource or entire directory to a new location.
 RefreshLock Ensures that any timers associated with the lock must be re-set.
 RemoveProperties Removes the specified properties from property set of the resource, directory or resource list.
 SetProperties Assigns the specified properties with new values for the given resource.
 Post Posts the selected HTTP request to a web server or CGI program and stores the server response to the specified stream object.
 Put Submits HTTP data using the HTTP PUT command.
 Unlock Unlocks the specified resource.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnGetCertificate Occurs when a server needs a certificate for establishing connection.
 OnGetPropertyValues Occurs when component obtains values for specified number of properties.
 OnReceiveProgress Occurs when data downloading is processed.
 OnReceiveResponse Occurs when server response is received.
 OnRedirect Occurs when the HTTP server issues a redirect.
 OnSendProgress Occurs when data uploading is processed.
 OnSendRequest Occurs when the HTTP client has sent a request.
 OnVerifyServer This event is where the client can decide whether to continue with the connection process.

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