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S/MIME Message Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The SMimeMessage component implements the S/MIME standard for encryption and decryption with public key cryptography and X.509 digital certificates. In addition, the component can be used for both generating and verifying RSA digital signatures. This component implements an S/MIME mail message as described in the Internet Standards documents: RFC 2311RFC 2633 and RFC 2045

This component allows you to compose / parse messages in an alternative MIME format with multiple file attachments and digitally sign / verify, encrypt / decrypt them according to the S/MIME standard. See Using certificates

The SMimeMessage component is an independent stand-alone component and does not have ties with the Clever Internet Suite mail socket engine. It is possible to use this component with any other mail client engines / components for composing and signing mail messages formatted according to the RFC standards.

Please see the Demos code (SMime) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

The most common members of the SMimeMessage component can be seen below:

Supported Message Bodies

  Name   Description
 EnvelopedBody Is the class that implements the encrypted / signed data storage for the S/MIME mail components (difital signatures, signed blobs ...).
 SMimeBody Is the class that implements the signed message storage for the S/MIME mail components.
 TextBody Implements the text / html message bodies storage for the mail components.
 AttachmentBody Implements the file attachment storage for the mail components.
 ImageBody Implements the image storage for the mail components.
 MultipartBody Implements the MIME multipart storage for the mail components.

Property List

  Name   Description
 BCCList Specifies blind carbon copy recipients for the message.
 Bodies Represents a body collection of the message.
 BodiesSource Gets a string list with the message bodies' parts.
 Boundary Represents a character sequence that delimits the message bodies.
 CCList Specifies carbon copy recipients for the message.
 Certificates Gets the TclMessageCertificates collection of the TclCertificate objects.
 CharSet Represents the character set used for the message.
 ContentType Represents the MIME body type for the message.
 Date Represents the date when message was sent.
 Encoding Represents the encoding method for the message.
 From Identifies the original author of the message.
 Header Represents the necessary information about message header fields.
 HeaderSource Gets or sets the the given string list with the message header part.
 IsDetachedSignature Specifies whether to include a detached signature when signing a message.
 IsEncrypted Determines whether the current message content is encrypted.
 IsIncludeCertificate Specifies whether the signer's certificate with the signed message should be included.
 IsSigned Determines whether the current message content is signed.
 MessageFormat Contains the format of parsed message.
 MessageID Specifies the message identifier assigned to the message.
 MessageSource Gets or sets the the given string list with the mail message source.
 Priority Specifies the message priority for the mail server.
 ReadReceiptTo Specifies the the email address to which the recipient of the original message should reply with notification about receiving the message.
 ReplyTo Identifies the delivery address for message replies.
 Subject Specifies the subject for the message.
 ToList Provides mail message recipients.

Method List

  Name   Description
 BuildMessage Allows to build mail message using text and html message representations including both images and files attachment lists.
 Clear Cleans all message members and assigns them to their initial values.
 Decrypt Decodes and decrypts the current mail message.
 DecryptAndVerify Decrypts and verifies the signature of the current mail message.
 Encrypt Encodes and encrypts the current mail message?
 GetBodyText Gets a text representation of the mail message content.
 Sign Signs the current mail message.
 Verify Verifies the signature of the current mail message.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnChanged Occurs when a property value has been changed.
 OnEncodingProgress Occurs when the encoding / decoding is in process.
 OnLoadAttachment Occurs when the parser is about to build the attachment body and substitute its data to the resulting mail message.
 OnSaveAttachment Occurs when the message parser is about to store the body of the message being parsed into the stream.
 OnGetSigningCertificate Occurs when the S/MIME parser is about to Sign or Verify the current mail message.
 OnGetEncryptionCertificate Occurs when the S/MIME parser is about to Encrypt or Decrypt the current mail message.

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