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SFTP Client Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The TclSFtp component implements the SSH FTP protocol that is described in the document.
The SSH file transfer protocol or secure FTP (SFTP), also transfers files and has a similar command set for users, but is built on different software technology. SFTP uses the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) to transfer files. Unlike FTP, it encrypts both commands and data, preventing passwords and sensitive information from being transmitted openly over the network. It cannot interoperate with FTP software. SFTP is not FTP run over SSH, but rather a new protocol designed from the ground up by the IETF SECSH working group. FTP over SSH is the practice of tunneling a normal FTP session over a Secure Shell connection. See FTP + SSH

The SFTP component allows you to pause / resume the file downloading and uploading processes; resume broken downloads / uploads from the point where it stops.

Please see the Demos code (SFtpClient) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

The most common members of the SFTP component can be seen below:

Property List

  Name   Description
 Active Provides information about the activity status of the connection.
 BatchSize Specifies the size of the transferred batch.
 CurrentDir Represents the current directory on the SFTP server.
 FileAttributes Represents a result of the GetFileAttributes function.
 Password Specifies the password that allows the desired component to log on to the server.
 Port Specifies the port that allows the desired component to connect to the server.
 RootDir Gets the root directory on the SFTP server.
 Server Specifies the SFTP server to connect to.
 TimeOut Determines the time-out interval (in milliseconds) for initiating messages request.
 ServerVersion Gets the SFTP server version.
 SshAgent Specifies the name of the application or entity calling the SFTP functions.
 UserName Specifies the user name that allows the component to log on to the server.

Method List

  Name   Description
 AppendFile Appends data to the end of an existing file on the SFTP server.
 ChangeCurrentDir Changes the current directory on the SFTP server file system.
 ChangeToParentDir Makes the parent directory current on the SFTP server.
 Close Closes the previously opened server connection.
 Delete Deletes a file from the SFTP server.
 DirectoryListing Lists a directory on an SFTP server.
 FileExists Tests if the specified file exists in the current SFTP directory.
 GetFile Retrieves a file from the server using the SFTP protocol.
 GetFileAttributes Retrieves the attributes of the given file on the SFTP server.
 GetFilePermissions Retrieves the permissions of the given file on the SFTP server.
 GetFileSize Gets the size of the specified file on the SFTP server.
 GetList Gets a list of files and directories on the SFTP server.
 MakeDir Creates a directory on the SFTP server.
 MakeLink Creates a link on the SFTP server.
 Open Opens connection to the given server.
 PutFile Puts a file into the server using the SFTP protocol.
 ReadLink Queries the server for the target of the specified symbolic link.
 RemoveDir Deletes a directory from the SFTP server.
 Rename Renames a specified file on the SFTP server.
 SetFileAttributes Changes the attributes of the given file on the SFTP server.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnDirectoryListing Occurs when a directory entry is received.
 OnProgress Occurs when data downloading / uploading is processed.
 OnReceiveResponse Occurs when server response is received.
 OnSendCommand Occurs when the component has sent a command.
 OnShowBanner Occurs during the authorization process and allows you to display the banner text returned from the server.
 OnVerifyServer Occurs when the server presents its certificate to the client.

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