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POP3 Client Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

Use the POP3 component to connect to the mail server via POP3 protocol to download or manipulate emails as described in the Internet Standards documents RFC 1939RFC 1734 and RFC 2449

With POP3 component you can log on to the server that requires SSL authentication and also authenticate using client certificate. See SSL / TLS support

Please see the Demos code (MailProgress, MailSendReceive, Pop3ClientSSL) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

The most common members of the Pop3 component can be seen below:

Property List

   Name    Description
 Active Provides information about the activity status of the connection.
 BatchSize Specifies the size of the transferred batch.
 CurrentMessage Represents current message index in message list available on server.
 MessageCount Provides an information about number of messages available on server specified to retrieving.
 MailMessage Gets the Mail Message component, the mail message content of which will be processed.
 Password Specifies the password that allows the desired component to log on to the server.
 Port Specifies the port that allows the desired component to connect to the server.
 Server Specifies the mail server to connect to.
 TimeOut Determines the time-out interval (in milliseconds) for initiating messages request.
 UserName Specifies the user name that allows the component to log on to the server.
 UseSasl Makes the component use the SASL methods during the connecting session.
 UseTLS Specifies whether the component should use the TLS / SSL security protocol when connecting to the given server.

Method List

   Name    Description
 Close Closes the previously opened server connection.
 Delete Deletes a mail message.
 GetSize Gets the size of the specified mail message.
 GetUIDList Assigns a list with message unique identifiers for all messages available on given mail server.
 Open Opens connection to the given mail server.
 Reset Resets the POP3 session.
 Retrieve Retrieves a mail message from mail server. The non parsed message data is available via Response property. If you call another overloaded method with specifing a message parser then the object will parse just received message data and assign Mail Message members.
 RetrieveHeader Retrieves a mail message header only from the mail server.

Event List

   Name    Description
 OnGetCertificate Occurs when a server needs a certificate for establishing connection.
 OnProgress Occurs when data downloading / uploading is processed.
 OnReceiveResponse Occurs when server response is received.
 OnSendCommand Occurs when the component has sent a command.
 OnVerifyServer This event is where the client can decide whether to continue with the connection process.

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