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OAuth Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in VCL edition.

The OAuth component is used to authorize a client and provide an authorization string used in future requests.

Please see the Demos code (GMailSMTP, GMailIMAP) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

The most common members of the OAuth component can be seen below:

Property List

  Name   Description
 AuthorizationEndPoint Gets or sets the end point that handles the authorization process.
 AuthorizationFlow Specifies the the authorization flow that will be used in the authorization process.
 AuthURL Gets or sets the URL of the authorization server.
 ClientID Gets or sets the ID of the client assigned when registering the application.
 ClientSecret Gets or sets the secret value for the client assigned when registering the application.
 EnterCodeFormCaption Gets or sets the caption of the form when entering the authorization code.
 EscapeRedirectURL True, if the redirection URL should be encoded before substituting to the OAUTH request. 
 FailedHtmlResponse Gets or sets the failure response HTML when redirecting to an embedded web server.
 LocalWebServerPort Specifies the port value on which an embedded web server listens to redirects from the authorization server.
 Password Specifies the password that allows the desired component to log on to the server.
 RedirectURL Gets or sets the URL where the user (browser) returns after authorizing.
 Scope The scope request or response parameter used during authorization.
 State The state parameter used during authorization.
 SuccessHtmlResponse Gets or sets the success response HTML when redirecting to an embedded web server.
 Token When authorizing, returns an access token object.
 TokenURL The URL used to obtain the access token.
 UserName Specifies the user name that allows the component to log on to the server.

Method List

  Name   Description
 GetAuthorization Gets the authorization string required to access the protected resource.
 GetAuthorizationUrl Builds and returns the URL to which the user should be re-directed for authorization.
 RefreshAuthorization Creates a refresh authorization flow and sends the request to the authorization server.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnCreateAuthorizationEndPoint Occurs when the componen creates the end point handler and allows creating a custom end point hander.
 OnCreateAuthorizationFlow Occurs when the componen creates the authorization flow handler and allows creating a custom hander.
 OnCreateToken Occurs when the componen creates the token object and allows creating a custom token object.
 OnLaunchBrowser Occurs when the component is about to launch an external web browser (explorer) with given authorization URL.
 OnRedirect Occurs when the component composes the redirect URL for the local embedded web server.
 OnShowEnterCodeForm Occurs when the component is about to show the form that allows entering the authorization code.

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