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Encoder Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The Encoder component implements methods for message encoding / decoding with any of the QuotedPrintableBase64 and UUEncode methods.

This component is designed to convert information provided in single string or TStream with any of the supported encoding methods. Use it when it is necessary to encode / decode any part of the message before sending or after receiving it respectively.

Please see the Demos code (SimpleEncoder) and also the indexed Help documentation provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

Property List

  Name   Description
 CharsPerLine Specifies a max number of characters per each line.
 EncodeMethod Gets or sets the encoding method.

Method List

  Name   Description
 Decode Decodes data with the given method.
 Encode Encodes data with the given method.
 EncodeToString Encodes a string with the given method.
 GetPreferredEncoding Determines the encoding method of the given data.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnProgress Occurs when encoding / decoding is processed.

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