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Crypto Encoder Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The Crypto Encoder component encapsulates methods for data encoding and decoding in PEM and SSH2 cryptographic formats.

This class is designed to convert information provided in single string, array of bytes, file or stream with any of the supported encoding formats. Use it when it is necessary to encode / decode cryptographic keys, certificates or any encryption-related data.

Property List

  Name   Description
 CharsPerLine Specifies a max number of characters per each line.

Gets the configuration information for implemented algorithms.

 DataType Gets or sets the type of encoded data.
 DataTypeName Gets or sets the type name information of the encoded data. This property is set automatically when assiging the DataType property with one of known data type values.
 EncodingFormat Gets the data encoding format.
 Header Specifies the PEM header information: ProcType, DekInfo, Comment, etc.
 PassPhrase Gets or sets the password phrase for encrypting/decrypting the provided data.

Method List

  Name   Description
 Decode Decodes data with the given method.
 Encode Encodes data with the given method.
 EncodeToString Encodes an array of bytes with given method and returns an encoded string.
 DecodeString Decodes data string with the given method.

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