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HTTP Rio Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in VCL edition.

HTTP Rio uses HTTP messages to call remote interfaced objects using SOAP WSDL. The usage of the TclHttpRio class is the same as standard THTTPRIO.

The most common members of the HTTP Rio component can be seen below:

Property List

  Name   Description
 Active Provides information about the activity status of the connection.
 CharSet Gets or sets the character set used for the SOAP requests.
 Encrypt True, if SOAP requests should be encrypted. Otherwise, False.
 HttpClient Gets or sets the HTTP client that sends requests.
 Options Controls how the component performs certain types of conversions.
 Port Gets or sets the WSDL service port.
 Service Specifies the Service to use when sending the SOAP message to execute a method call.
 Sign True, if SOAP requests should be digitally signed. Otherwise, False.
 SignBeforeEncrypt If True, SOAP messages will be signed before encrypting.
 SoapRequest Specifies the SoapMessage object that holds the SOAP request.
 SoapResponse Specifies the SoapMessage object that holds the SOAP response.
 URL Specifies the URL that identifies the target Web Service application.
 WSDLItems Provides access to the definitions in the WSDL file specified by WSDLLocation.
 WSDLLocation Specifies the location of the WSDL document that describes the target Web Service.

Method List

  Name   Description
 QueryInterface Implements the IInterface QueryInterface method.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnReceiveResponse Occurs when the component has received a SOAP WSDL response.
 OnSendRequest Occurs when the component has sent a SOAP WSDL request.

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